Sunday, April 15, 2012

Road Blocks and a New Direction (Possibly)

Last night, a severe storm passed through our area. Our basement flooded and today we have to figure out how we are going to afford to replace the carpets down there.

On a different note, today my income from has posted. I'm happy to say that Poked and Prodded is doing better than I thought it was. That being said, I'm still a loooonnng way away from making money from my books.

I am seriously reconsidering finishing The Cholorza Outbreak to a novel length. Instead, I am considering revamping Poked and Prodded to make it even more marketable. I think I may have a better chance self-marketing Poked and Prodded. Sending off my stories to agents and publishers seems to be taking forever. So far, the two agents that had asked for partials have rejected Poked and Prodded.

Additionally, I plan to submit Writer's Block to two separate short story competitions. I have to polish the story this week and send it out by Friday. Let's hope I win one of those. Of course, that's another hurry up and wait game I have to play.

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